Rare and Out-of-Print Local History Books Required
Anyone having copies of these valuable local history books who wish to donate for the Historical Library please contact
Peter Kellett 4088 6430.

Trinity Phoenix
History of Cairns
Dorothy Jones

Clump Point & District
Constance Mackness

A Drifferent Drummer
EJ Banfield

Cardwell Shire History
Dorothy Jones

Further Confessions of The Beachcomber
EJ Banfield

Hurricane Lamps and Blue Umbrellas
Dorothy Jones

The Confessions of a Beachcomber (1908)
EJ Banfield

Last Leaves from Dunk Island (1925)
EJ Banfield

Lots of Red Spiders
Life of Stanley Mackay _ Pioneer of Modern Banana Industry in North Queensland
Alan Corcoran

Gods Own Country
Delia Birchley

St Clares Parish School
125th Anniversary Booklet

Cyclone Larry
Tales of Survival

Radient Green
Story of HA Noone - Pionner of Innisfail
Mena Fallon

Wheels in Motion
Andrew K Roberts

The Innisfail Tramway
John Armstrong & GH Verhoeven

Up The Palmerston
Story of Cairns Hinterland Up To 1920
Mike Rimmer

Mission Beach State School
50th Anniversary
Yes, we know there are many, many more books out there that cover some part of our local history.

Hearts Full of Hope
Italian Pioneers of Tully

Girroo Gurrell
The First Surveyor and othe aboriginal stories
CJ Henry
My Tropic Island (1910)
EJ Banfield
Tropic Days (1918)
EJ Banfield