Total student enrolments – December 2006
166 Primary 19 Preschool
Year levels offered – preschool to Year 7 (In 2007 a full time
Prep year established)
Mourilyan is a co-educational school
Mourilyan State School was established in 1908 on the outskirts of
the major provincial centre of Innisfail.
The school serves a community that is involved in the cane and banana
industries as primary producers or as workers either on the farms,
at the harbour or in the mill. The school community has a foundation of permanent residents with a transient population ranging between 10% -15%.
The Mourilyan community is comprised of a broad cross section of occupations
and cultural groupings.
The student population reflects the social and cultural diversity
of the community.
School is undertaking a triennial school review that will asist in
projecting priorities over the next three years. It is anticipated literacy, numeracy and standards consistency will form
a core component.