Branch Manager: Sgt Marcus Brown
4061 3442
Admin Assistant: Ms Kathy Heyne
PO Box 37
Innisfail Qld 4860
Fax: 4061 4029
All ages
Facilities -
Gymnastics Hall, Meeting Room, Multi Sports Hall, Small Hall
Various programmes -
Aikido, Bingo, Box-Fit, Futsal, Gymnastics, Judo, Karate and Tai Kwon Do, Tai Chi, Moving Meditation,
Bodypump, Tae Bo, Abs & Thighs Workout, Boxing, Step Classes, Latin Dancing, Line Dancing, Little Gymnuts, Group Fitness
Classes, Stronger Healthy Active Bodies, Weights, Volleyball, Old Time Dancing, Basketball, Iaido, Child Minding, After School
Care and School Holiday, Hit the Right Note
School Holidays - Bookings must be made in person 4061 3442
5th-6th January 2008 - Closed
7th-11th January 2008 - Various programmes 7am-5.30pm
12th-13th January 2008 - Closed
14th-18th January 2008 - Various programmes 7am-5.30pm
Summer Women's Fitness Classes
19th-20th January 2008 - Closed
21st-25th January 2008 - Various programmes 7am-5.30pm
February 2008 - $8000 Hit the Right Note for new trailer to transport musical and
production equipment around for 5 bands
2nd-10th May 2008 - 25th Innisfail NQ Eisteddford Competition - 9 day attracting 350 competitiors
and features 1,200 dance items Innisfail Conservatorium Preliminary programme Larsen's Newsagency Innisfail Low Price Cosmetics
Last Updated: 11th February 2008