Vision of Mission
Beach in 2025
CSIRO research just released highlights the challenges faced by the
Mission Beach community in protecting the area’s special values.
Researchers have created a picture of Mission Beach in 2025, based
on current trends in land use and population growth.
"If current trends in population growth and land use change continue,
by 2025 Mission Beach will have around 3000 more people, requiring some 500 more hectares of intensive land use, and bringing
additional dogs, cats and traffic into the area", said Dr Ro Hill, a CSIRO researcher.
"On a positive note, in this business-as-usual scenario, Mission Beach
in 2025 is likely to have more restored and protected habitat areas for our unique plants and wildlife."
Dr Hill also said that in 2025 the tourism industry will be the region’s
largest employer, with the traditional industries of agriculture and fisheries declining.
Terrain Natural Resource Management and CSIRO, with support from the
Australian Government’s Marine and Tropical Sciences Research Facility, are working with the community to develop management
strategies to deal with the issues identified in making the 2025 Mission Beach scenario.
Terrain spokesperson Tony O’Malley said "We’re calling
for the community to help develop strategies to maintain the outstanding natural and cultural values of Mission Beach into
the future."
To attend a community workshop to consider these issues on December 8, please contact Terrain on 07 4043 8000.
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