Lorraine Boyd
Over 150 former
Innisfailites meet socially a few times yearly in Brisbane.
Former Innisfailites Reunion in Brisbane
11 December 2009
On a rather
warm Friday, one hundred and seventy-one present and former Innisfailites and friends returned to the Queensland Railway Function
Centre near Central Station on 11
December 2009 to exchange Xmas greetings. After holding this function at another venue last year, all agreed to that, although the premises were
nearly bursting at the seams, the amenities and service provided and convenience of public transport make the QRI Function
Centre the ideal location for these gatherings.
A painting
of the Boulders by Dave Mayocchi was kindly donated by Dave to be raffled. The
winners, Tony and Rosemary Simeon, donated the painting back to the Club to be auctioned and the proceeds donated for future
meetings. The painting was then auctioned by Peter Vamvakaris who purchased the
painting for $100. Peter will donate the painting to the Wesley Hospital
as a fund raiser for research into breast cancer. These magnanimous gestures
by the Simeons and Peter were greatly appreciated and applauded.
The spirit
of camaraderie at the gathering was obvious with many attendees lingering well into the afternoon. Many expressed their eagerness to attend the next gathering in March 2010.
The attendees
36 First Timers:
Adelaide, Kay James. From Baralaba,
Bruce and Gail Goodman (nee Maxwell). From Innisfail, Agnes Tait (nee Meacham),
Alf Joyce, George Kotzas, Vince Moule, Doug and Marilyn Spannagle (nee Mitchell), Kevin and Margaret
Todd (nee Tierney). From Maryborough, John Maniskas. From Penrith. Bill Sevdalis and Sue Williams. From Sydney, Joe Magno, John Robertson, Tass Allis .From Tin Can Bay, Phillip De’La’Cruz.
From the South East corner, Richard and Angela Anderson (nee Vamvakaris), Rick Austin and Narelle, Maria Baptiste (nee
Brischetto), Marion Brown (nee Spry), June Folley (nee Bulbrook), Kitty Fuelling (nee Cardillo), Julie Gardner, John Kotzas,
Vic Morris, Russell Perry, Mary Rinaudo, Lenore Ryan, Arthur and Lynn Tsakissiris, Helen Vasicek, John Wolff.
Distant travellers: From Adelaide, Kevin James. From Alstonville Terry and Rosemary Simeon, From Bundaberg, Violet Southwick (nee Franklin), From Innisfail,
Boyd and Lyn Fisher (nee Scullen), Andy Shang, Errol Wing, Mary Zorbas. From Rockhampton, Florence (Flo) Bertram (nee Metcalfe)
Other Attending. Alan and Mary Adsett (nee Niethe), Daphne Anderson (nee Goodman), Karen Anderson (nee Spry), Charles and Adele Ashworth
(nee Whittington), Jacqueline Beattie (nee Macartney), Lena Begni (nee Civitillo), Celest Benedetto, Mary Borg (nee Bugeja),
Stewart and Lorraine Boyd (nee Ryan), Doug
Bradley, Maria Cardwell (nee Cali), Don
Carter, Karin Christie (nee Mele), John and Wendy Cikoja (nee Hewitt), Garth and Gloria Clarke, Silvano (Kite) Coianiz, Don
Collins, Pat and Claire Conlon (nee Doherty), Sam Conomo, Don and Millie Cummings (nee Kindervater), Paul and Lynette Danesi,
Fay Donnelly (nee Punchard), John and Jenny Duff, Heather Edwards (nee McPherson), Ester Elkins (Hoskins), June Farmer (nee
Devine), Grace Farry (nee Pennise), Elizabeth Fisher (nee Neale), Ann Fletcher (nee Tsakissiris), Vince Flynn, Myra Fogarty (nee Carr), Tom Foley, Ted Fordham, Monica Gardner (nee Cassidy), Cecilia Gillespie (nee Gardner),
Ross Goodman, Avis Hall (nee Rail), Shirley Hallinan (nee Haydock), Doreen Hardy (nee Mitchell), June Hull (nee Prats), Betty
Iconomidis (nee Kotzas), Bernadette Irsigler (nee Nolan), Ray Jard, Colin Jeffs, Estelle Johns (nee Cargill), Dawn Jones (nee
Yates), Horrie and Ann Kirk (nee McMillan), Joan Larsen (nee Graham), Colin Lee, Tom and Maureen Limkin (nee James), Kev Lloyd,
Jeanette (Jan) Lupano (nee Robinson), Ian MacLeod, Dave Mayocchi, Deirdre McCart (nee Neale), Trevor McDonald, Barney McQuillan
(snr), Denis McQuillan, Sophie Medway (nee Zorbas), Bill Melton, John Merchetta, Jennifer Meyers (nee O’Doherty), Olga
Mihajevich (nee Darveniza), Anne Moretto (nee Arnell), Gary Moro, Jack Mowen, Ken and Irene O’Doherty (nee Mitchell),
Gordon O’Neill, Robert (Bob) O’Neill), Jim Pandelakis, Susan Pandeli (nee Walters), Lance Passmore, Nancy Pegg
(nee Hein), Nina Petralia (nee Magno), John and Glenda Pickett (nee Thompson), Kathy Pierro (nee Zorbas), Vladimir (Vlad)
Polich, Frances Pulbrook (nee Lee), Toni Pyers (nee Molinari), John and Alma Raaijmaker (nee Burgdorf), Mary Radlof (nee Zahra),
Abe and Loraine Raumer (nee Tyson), Bruce and Marie Rosborough (nee Nolan), Les and Kath Rowe (nee Caven), Edna Ryan, Robert
Scullen, Eddie and Valerie Shaw, Bill and Mary Shine, George and Jeanette Sideris (nee Austin), Donna Perry, Felice Stephens
(nee Ugarte), Reg Sullivan, Patricia (Pat) Talib (nee Rosborough), Mary Teufel (nee Dodds), Laurice Thompson (nee Williams),
Margaret Thompson (nee Keily), Violet Tsakissiris (nee Kostoglou), Joy Type (nee Larsen), Peter Vamvakaris, Coral Walters
(nee Murphy), Bill Wardle, Norm Whiteing, Norma Wiltshire (nee Gagno), Darryl Wing.
The next reunion will be held on Friday the 13th
March 2010 at the Queensland Railway
Institute Function Centre at 305 Edward Street,
Visitors from out of town are always most welcome and the numbers to contact if wishing to attend are: Secretary: Lorraine Boyd on 07 33662543 or email Doug Bradley on 07 33582415 or Assistant Secretary: Robert Scullen
on 07 33455068
Former Innisfailites Reunion in Brisbane 11th September 2009
Regular attendees of the Innisfail Reunion Group don’t really need an excuse to get together on the quarterly reunion
days, but if any inducement was ever needed, a perfect South Queensland spring Friday morning on 11 September was all that
was necessary for 86 people to travel to the city to the Queensland Railway Institute function room for the September get
Information handed to those attending included:
Newsletter and notices; A list containing the names of all persons who had notified their intention to attend; Apologies
received List of bereavements notified to the Secretary since the June Reunion; Submitted for our benefit, by family
members were short histories of the lives of three of our ex-members (deceased) who were devoted hard workers for this Group, Hazel
Mellick (Ex President) Jim Hay who attended for 20 years; and Sid Cardillo who attended for 15 years.
Other information circulated included:
The Program for the Pianoforte Recital by Enid Hitchcock at the Shire Hall held on 16 October 1952, mother of Piers Lane,
International Pianist who performed at the Shire Hall on 4 July this year and photo from the 4th July performance. Seeing
the old program opened up a lot of memories as some members had known the family. Sam Mellick had apparently attended
that concert and then a month later ran into Enid outside Australia House in London where Enid had gone to continue her musical
studies. Norm Whiteing who is still in contact with the family said “sadly there was only one remaining Hitchcock girl
and that is Val.”
Photographs submitted: 1.1920/30’s photograph kindly supplied by Bill Lee Long of Harry Sue San driving a Ford
truck. Seating capacity was as many as could climb on board for a trip down to Etty Bay; 2.A 1970 photograph of
his mother Felice Lee Long, Bessie Kirby, her sister Marion Kane and the other lady still to be identified. These ladies
attended the Innisfail State School in 1923 and were united again in this photograph; 3.Photograph of a Group of friends
meeting in Innisfail in July and whose friendship has endured over the past 64 years; 4.Another of a Brisbane gathering
of those born in 1949 and who live or have lived in Innisfail; Photograph of the Mamu Rainforest Canopy Walkway (Crawford’s
Lookout) recently visited by Kev Lloyd on a trip back north. Kev was very impressed with the development and the spectacular
panoramic views of World Heritage rainforest landscapes provided from the elevated walkways and observation tower. This
prompted Frank Lee to comment on his visit there also. Definitely not a place to be missed.
Two birthdays acknowledged by all, were those of Bruno Valmardre and Monica Gardner (nee Cassidy).
Forty-eight Apologies were received from: Alan and Mary Adsett (nee Niethe), Bevan Ashworth, Jacqueline Beattie
(nee Macartney), Florence (Flo) Bertram (nee Metcalfe) Brian Cahill, Karen Christie (nee Mele), John and Wendy Cikoja (nee
Hewitt), Claire Conlon (nee Doherty) Gordon and Edna Cummings (nee Davis), Edgar Edgerton, Esther Elkins (nee Hoskins), Tom
Foley, Ted Fordham, Doreen Hardy (nee Mitchell), John and Ethel Latham (nee Palmer), Shirley Maher (nee Beutel), Trevor McDonald,
Harry McMillan, Thelma Mellick, John Merchetta, Anne Moretto (nee Arnell), Hazel Nicol (nee Wieland), Dermott O’Brien,
Gordon O’Neill, Robert (Bob) O’ Neill, Jim Pandelakis, Con and Susan Pandeli (nee Walters), Jim and Claire Peterson
(nee Steine), Frances Pulbrook (nee Lee) Jim and Jean Punch (nee King), Bruce and Marie Rosborough (nee Nolan), Les and Kath
Rowe (nee Caven), Ted Ryan, Win Ryan (nee Crimean), George and Jeanette Sideris (nee Austin), Laurice Thompson (nee Williams),
Wilma Trenow,(nee Sadlier), Rae Willis.
Nine Newcomers and Visitors who were welcomed and introduced were: Innisfail visitors Gwenneth Darveniza (nee Elliott),
and Doris Neale (nee Maund), Gordonvale visitor and cousin of Charles Ashworth, Mary-Ann Stout, Cairns visitor Leila Trenfield
(nee Carr), Clairview visitor Susan Forrest (nee Bertram), Tammy Gooda (daughter of Dawn Watkins (nee Hay) and granddaughter
of Jim Hay) Dawn Watkins (nee Hay), Nancy Grasso (nee Mangano), Colin Lee. Seventy- Seven other attendees
Daphne Anderson (nee Goodman), Ron and Val Andrews (nee Cardier), Charles and Adele Ashworth (nee Whittington), Lena
Begni (nee Civitillo), Celest Benedetto), Caryl Black (nee Horsford), Mary Borg (nee Bugeja), Lorraine Boyd (nee Ryan), Doug
Bradley, Silvano (Kite) Coianiz, Don Collins, Pat Conlon, Don and Millie Cummings (nee Kindervater), Paul and Lynette Danesi,
Ted and Esma Darveniza (nee Dymond), Fay Donnelly (nee Punchard), Donald Duff, John Duff, Heather Edwards (nee McPherson),
June Farmer (nee Devine), Elizabeth Fisher (nee Neale), Denice Fitzpatrick (nee Wilson), Vince Flynn, Myra Fogarty (nee Carr),
Monica Gardner (nee Cassidy), Cecilia Gillespie (nee Gardner), Dawn Gonzo, Elizabeth (Betty) Gonzo (nee Drennan), Ross Goodman,
Avis Hall (nee Rail), Shirley Hallinan (nee Haydock), Horrie and Ann Kirk (nee McMillan), Jim Lally, Betty Lee, Frank Lee,
Billy Lee Long, Kev Lloyd, Ian Macleod, Dave Mayocchi, Deirdre McCart (nee Neale), Sam Mellick, William (Bill) Melton, Olga
Mihaljevich (nee Darveniza), Jack Mowen, Olga Owen (Valmadre) Lance Passmore, Nancy Pegg ( nee Hein), Nina Petralia (nee Mango),
John Pickett, Vladimir (Vlad) Polich, Phillip Prevete, Toni Pyers (nee Molinari), Mary Radlof (nee Zahra), John and Alma Raaijmaker
(nee Burgdorf), Abe and Loraine Raumer (nee Tyson), Deirdre Roberts (nee Dillon), Edna Ryan (nee Brown), Robert Scullen, Keith
Shang, Bill and Mary Shine (nee Talty), Felice Stephens (nee Ugarte), Mary Teufel (nee Dodds), Joy Type (nee Larsen), Bruno
and Jean Valmadre (nee Stuart), Bill Wardle, Norm Whiteing, Norma Wilshire (Gagno).
The next reunion will be held on Friday the 11th December 2009 at the Queensland Railway Institute Conference Room at
305 Edward Street, Brisbane.
Visitors from out of town are always most welcome and the numbers to contact if wishing to attend are: Secretary:
Lorraine Boyd on 07 33662543 or email; President: Doug Bradley on 07 33582415; Assistant Secretary: Robert Scullen on 07 33455068.


Click to enlarge





Former Innisfailites Reunion in Brisbane 12th June 2009
A very cold winter’s day did not deter 57 ex Innisfailites attending their quarterly gathering on Friday the 12th
June at the Queensland Railway Institute function room at Central Station in Brisbane. The numbers were up by 5 on last year’s
attendance – an indication that maybe us northerners are finally acclimatizing!
The Annual General Meeting and election of officers was held. Brian Cahill conducted the election. Officers
bearers are President Doug Bradley, Vice President Edwin (Eddie) Shaw, Secretary Lorraine Boyd (nee Ryan), Assistant Secretary
Robert Scullen, Treasurer Toni Pyers (nee Molinari), Assistant Treasurer Laurice Thompson (nee Williams). The group
Patron sadly passed away in September and the new committee appointed Les Rowe as their new Patron. Les Rowe who retired
as President at Xmas had held that position and worked tirelessly in it since 1997.
In the absence of Assistant Secretary and MC, Robert Scullen who was unable to attend, the general business session was
conducted by Doug Bradley and Lorraine Boyd.
We were pleased to be able to inform everyone that the Xmas gathering to be held on the 11th December this year would
be held at the QRI function room. The manager of the QRI café, in conjunction with the Railway manager have kindly agreed
to set aside extra space, under cover, immediately outside the QRI function room just for that day. This was great news
as it will be so convenient in more ways than one. This venue is most popular to all who attend because of its proximity
to rail services and public transport. Everyone was asked to pass on this good news.
It was proposed by Secretary Lorraine that elections be held again in three years. Current committee members who
nominate for reelection must change position allowing for fresh ideas to be implemented.
At the gathering last March, the idea was discussed about the possibility of a “Back to Innisfail Trip” as
a group, to coincide with the arrival of the Q150 train at Innisfail and to join in any celebration planned there. The
group was informed that the trip didn’t proceed for a variety of reasons. However, the idea of a return trip to
Innisfail certainly had people interested for another time. Should there be sufficient interest shown to consider it
again, we will circulate information and gather ideas about how such a trip could be brought to fruition.
Hand out material contained:
Morgan Wright’s story as told by his grandchildren. Morgan, who was the group’s Patron, was a strong
supporter of these gatherings and he, along with Gordon and Bob O’Neill, were instrumental in acquiring the QRI function
room for our gathering in 1999.
Bill and Felicia Lee Long’s (nee How Kee) story contributed by their son Billy (junior). Special reference
was made to two very special occasions happening in their lives - 77 years of marriage celebrated on June 18th and Felicia’s
100th birthday on the 8th July. What a remarkable achievement for such well know local identities. Everyone
present wished them well.
A history of the Innisfail Shire Hall and a recent photograph of the beautifully, newly renovated Hall. It brought
back wonderful memories of times had there and got tongues wagging with their own story.
50 Apologies were received from: Ron and Val Andrew (nee Cardier), Charles and Adele Ashworth (nee Whittington),
Bevan Ashworth, Marilyn Brookes (nee Spry), Janice Cali (nee Spina), Maria Cardwell (nee Cali), Don Collins, Claire Conlon
(nee Doherty), Edna Cummings (nee Davis), Edgar Edgerton, Heather Edwards (nee McPherson), Esther Elkins (nee Hoskins), Ted
Fordham, Elizabeth(Betty) Gonzo (nee Drennan), Ross Goodman, Laurence and Joan Hood, Joan Larsen (nee Graham), Betty Lee,
Bill Lee Long (junior), Kev Lloyd, Shirley Maher (nee Beutel) Sara Masterson (nee Putt), Jennifer Meyer (nee O’Doherty),
Jack Mowen, Ken and Irene O’Doherty (nee Mitchell), Gordon O’Neill, Robert (Bob) O’Neill,), Olga Owen (nee
Valmadre), Jim Pandelakis, Con and Susan Pandeli (nee Walters), June Parsons (nee Putt), Nancy Pegg (nee Hein), Toni Pyers
(nee Molinari), Mary Radlof (nee Zahra), Deirdre Roberts (nee Dillon), Kath Rowe (nee Caven), Ted Ryan, Win Ryan (nee Crimean),
Robert (Bob) Scullen, Peter and Cheryl Souvlis, Len (Pluto) Thomas, Joy Type (nee Larsen), Bill Wardle, Norma Wilshire (nee
5 First Timers welcomed and introduced were: Karin Christie (nee Mele), John and Wendy Cikoja (nee Hewitt), Barry
Meyers, Rae Willis.
Fifty two other attendees: Alan and Mary Adsett (nee Niethe), Daphne Anderson (nee Goodman), Jacqueline Beattie (nee
Macartney), Celest Benedetto, Mary Borg (nee Bugeja), Lorraine Boyd (nee Ryan), Doug Bradley, Brian Cahill, Silvano (Kite)
Coianiz, Pat Conlon, Don and Millie Cummings (nee Kindervater), Gordon Cummings, Paul and Lynette Danesi, Fay Donnelly (nee
Punchard), John Duff, June Farmer (nee Devine), Elizabeth Fisher (nee Neale), Myra Fogarty (nee Carr), Tom Foley, Shirley
Hallinan (nee Haydock), Doreen Hardy (nee Mitchell), Horrie and Ann Kirk (nee McMillan), Frank Lee, Ian Macleod, Deirdre McCart
(nee Neale), Trevor McDonald, Olga Mihaljevich (nee Darveniza), Gary Moro, Dermott (Derm) O’Brien, Hazel Nicol, Lance
Passmore, John and Glenda Pickett (nee Thompson) Vladimir (Vlad) Polich, Jim and Jean Punch (nee King), Abe and Loraine Raumer
(nee Tyson), Les Rowe, Edna Ryan (nee Brown), Eddie Shaw, Bill and Mary Shine (nee Talty), Felice Stephens (nee Ugarte), Mary
Teufel (nee Dodds), Laurice Thompson (nee Williams), Wilma Trenow (nee Sadlier), Norm Whiteing.
The next reunion will be held on Friday the 11th September at the Queensland Railway Institute Conference Room at 305
Edward Street, Brisbane.
Visitors from out of town are always most welcome and the numbers to contact if wishing to attend are: Secretary:
Lorraine Boyd on 07 33662543 or email Doug Bradley on 07 33582415 or Assistant Secretary: Robert Scullen on 07 33455068.
Click to enlarge |

Ian MacLeod and Ena Ryan |

Tom Foley and Brian Shapland |
13 MARCH 2009
The first meeting of the former Innisfailites Reunion
Group for 2009 was held at the Queensland Railway Institute Conference Room at Central Station on Friday 13 March 2009.
The reunion was attended by 73. As much as we welcome anyone to attend any of the four gatherings during the year, this is
a really comfortable number for that venue and it enables everyone to move around and mingle much more freely – certainly
different from the Xmas Reunion that drew a record attendance at the Masonic Centre.
44 apologies were
received from:
Daphne Anderson (nee Goodman), Ron and Val Andrew (nee
Cardier), Jacqueline Beattie (nee Macartney), Pat and Claire Conlon (nee Doherty), Edgar Edgerton, Heather Edwards (nee McPherson),
Esther Elkins (nee Hoskins), Elizabeth(Betty) Gonzo (nee Drennan), Ross Goodman, Eric and Avis Hall (nee Rail), Estelle Johns
(nee Cargill), Shirley Johnson (nee Welford), Roslyn King Koi (nee Lee Long), Horrie and Ann Kirk (nee McMillan), Joan Larsen
(nee Graham), Shirley Maher (nee Beutel), Harry McMillan, Sam Mellick, John Merchetta, Vic Morris, Dermott O’Brien,
Ken and Irene O’Doherty (nee Mitchell), Gordon O’Neill, Robert (Bob) O’Neill, Glenda Page (nee Williams),
Jim and Claire Petersen (nee Steine), Frances Pulbrook (nee Lee), William (Bill) Purcell, Mary Radlof (nee Zahra), Abe and
Loraine Raumer (nee Tyson), Ted Ryan, Win Ryan (nee Crimean), Doug and Beverley Thomas (nee Sinton, Joy Type (nee Larsen),
Norm Whiteing, Norma Wilshire (nee Gagno).
Eleven First timers were:
Angela Carbone (nee Rinaudo) from Innisfail and her brother Ross Rinaudo
from Sydney.. Eyvonne Gaal (nee Snow) and her daughter Janelle Evans. Lorraine Sempf (nee Heaslop), Elizabeth Fisher (nee
Neale) and her cousin Deirdre McCart (nee Neale). Robyn Hughes (nee Angel) and Barry Spillsbury from Townsville, Shauna Puppinato
(nee Evans)), Isabelle Holden (nee Cardwell)
Sixty – two other attendees
Jessica Cornish (nee Patterson) holidaying from Innisfail, Lena Begni
(nee Civitillo), Dave Mayocchi,and from Murwillumbah NSW Brian and Lorna Shapland with their son Jeff Shapland, Alan and Mary
Adsett (nee Niethe), Charles and Adele Ashworth (nee Whittington), Celest Benedetto, Caryl Black (nee Horsford), Mary Borg
(nee Bugeja), Lorraine Boyd (nee Ryan), Doug Bradley, Garth Clarke, Silvano (Kite) Coianiz, Don and Millie Cummings (nee Kindervater),
Gordon Cummings, Paul and Lynette Danesi, Fay Donnelly (nee Punchard), John Duff, June Farmer (nee Devine), Myra Fogarty (nee
Carr), Tom Foley, Monica Gardner (nee Cassidy), Shirley Grimley (nee Caldwell), Shirley Hallinan (Haydock), Doreen Hardy (nee
Mitchell), Betty Lee, Frank Lee, Ian Macleod, Bill Melton, Olga Mihaljevich (nee Darveniza), Jack Mowen, Bernadette Nolan,
Olga Owen (nee Valmardre), Con and Susan Pandeli (nee Walters), Lance Passmore, Nini Petralia (nee Mango)John Pickett, Vladimir
(Vlad) Polich, Toni Pyers (nee Molinari), Deirdre Roberts (nee Dillon), Bruce Rosborough , Les and Kath Rowe (nee Caven),
Edna Ryan (nee Brown), Robert Scullen, Eddie and Valerie Shaw, Bill and Mary Shine (nee Talty), George and Jeanette Sideris
(nee Austin), Felice Stephens (nee Ugarte), Mary Teufel (nee Dodds), Laurice Thompson (nee Williams), Bill Wardle.
An obituary list containing thirty-nine names was attached
to literature and was distributed to attendees on arrival. Former President Les Rowe made a special tribute to two supporters
of the Innisfail Reunion Group who had attended for over two decades and have now passed away. Hazel Francis (nee Mellick)
died on 28 February and Jim Hay on 30 December. Hazel first attended on 12 September 1986 and was President from 1989 to 1997.
Jim first attended on 10 June 1988 and regularly attended every Xmas until 2007. Ill health prevented him from attending the
2008 function. Both will be sadly missed.
President Doug Bradley extended a special thank you
to Les and Kath Rowe who recently retired from the positions of President and Treasurer. Les was President from 1997 until
the end of 2008 and Kath served as Treasurer between 1995 and 1997 and 1999 to 2008. The Group is now looking for two new
office bearers at the Annual General Meeting to be held in June. Eddie Shaw and Susan Pandeli (Walters) have volunteered to
fill these vacancies until the AGM. Thank you Eddie and Sue.
Former Innisfailites (or even if you are still living
there) born in 1949 and who will be turning 60 this year are invited to celebrate their birthdays with lunches/ parties during
the year in Brisbane. Three or four get-togethers are planned for the year with the first function to be held on Thursday
2 April, another following in June. Anyone interested who requires further information can contact Heather Edwards (nee McPherson)
on 3286 6487 or Joy Type (nee Larsen) on 38216487 (email:
Secretary Lorraine Boyd (nee Ryan) provided information
and a rough itinerary for a proposed group trip to Innisfail in June to coincide with the arrival of the Q150 train at Innisfail.
The proposal includes bus tours, sight seeing and meals. Inquiries are also being made about billeted accommodation for those
who might require a place to stay. We are hoping that enough interest from a sufficient number of members to bring the proposal
to fruition.
The next reunion will be held on Friday 12 June 2009
at the Queensland Railway Institute Conference Room at 305 Edward Street, Brisbane.
Visitors from out of town are always most welcome and
the numbers to contact if wishing to attend are:
Secretary: Lorraine Boyd on 07 33662543 or President:
Doug Bradley on 07 33582415 or Assistant Secretary: Robert Scullen on 07 33455068.
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12 DECEMBER 2008
final meeting of the former Innisfailites Reunion Group for 2008 ended on a record-breaking high. A record number of 190 attended the Xmas gathering exceeding the former record of 185 achieved in 1993.
this high note, Les Rowe and wife Kath announced their retirement from their respective offices of President and Treasurer. Les has been President since 1997 and Kath has served two terms as Treasurer totaling
11 years. Secretary Lorraine Boyd
thanked Les and Kath for the wonderful service and generosity they have given to this organization for so many years. Their assistance to the incoming committee members at the beginning of the year has
also been invaluable. Thankfully Les and Kath will still be around to offer their
a possible record attendance for the December reunion, the venue was changed from the Queensland Railway Institute Conference
Room to the Masonic Temple
at 311 Ann Street.
Unfortunately the premises did not accommodate the record number of attendees as comfortably as we anticipated. It took many hours trying different seating configurations on the preceding day before
a compromise arrangement was arrived at. Unfortunately it was not as comfortable
as we would have hoped but the cramped conditions and the unfavorable acoustics didn’t prevent anyone from having a
great time, renewing acquaintances and making new friends. A visitor suggested
that if the gathering keeps getting bigger, we might have to consider hiring Lang
Park for the next Xmas reunion!
Les Rowe extended a warm welcome to everyone.
Secretary, Robert Scullen read the list of 53 apologies and introduced the first timers.
Fifty-three Apologies:
Ashworth, Paul Ballini, Janice Cali
(nee Spina), Ross Cali, Irmgard
Coffin (nee Schuster), Gwyn Cosgrove (nee Mahoney), Gordon and Edna Cummings (nee Davis), Edgar Edgerton, Denice Fitzpatick (nee Wilson), Betty
Fogarty (O’Donnell), Hazel Francis (nee Mellick), Dawn Gonzo, Eva Groenestyn (nee Grasso), Eric and Avis Hall (nee Rail), Jim Hay, Betty Iconomivis (nee
Kotzas), Ray and Leslie Jard, Colin
Jeffs, Shirley Johnson (nee Welford), Betty
Lee, Sara Masterson (nee Putt), Arthur
McBride, Deirdre McCart (nee Neale), Harry McMillan, Jennifer Meyers (O’Doherty), Denis and Anne Moretto (nee Arnell), Jim
Pandelakis, Mary Parry, June Parsons
(nee Puttt), Nancy Pegg (nee Hein), Shauna
Puppinato (nee Evans), William (Billy) Purcell, Alma Ridgewell, (nee Matthews), Win Ryan (nee Crimean), Shirley Sheehan
(nee Riches), Les and Pearl Spry, Jim
and Rhonda Subloo (nee McLaren), Doug and Beverley Thomas (nee Sinton), Len (Pluto) Thomas, Desley Thurtell (nee
Jubb), Arthur Tsakissiris, Pam Ufer
(nee Stevens), Jessie Weightman (nee Pye),
Rita West (nee Dimech), Elizabeth Yarrow (nee Grasso), Mary Zorbas (nee Simeon)
Forty first timers were:
and Joan Andersen (nee Harold) from Innisfail, Kaula Andronikos (nee Sideris), Barbara Bickhoss (nee Bailey) from Rockhampton,
David and Debra Bledsoe (nee Edgerton), Marilyn Brookes (nee Spry), Denise Cahill, Neil and Beth Chessor,
Owen (Robert) Dillon), Peter Erbacher, Bob Faithfull (from Innisfail), John and Dawn Faithfull (nee Vains), Ann Fletcher (nee Tsakissiris), Vince Flynn, Ted Fordham, Joanne Grant (nee Lee), Kevin James (from Adelaide), Noel and Narelle Kitto (nee Jansen), John
and Ethel Latham (nee Palmer), Rhonda Lofting (nee Hawkins), John Morgan, Con Pandeli,
John Pickett, Voy/John Polich (from Sydney), Alan Preston, Anastasia/Ethel Prokop (nee Simeon) (from Woolongong), Jack
and Betty Robbins (nee McIntosh), Deirdre Roberts (nee Dillon), Jenny Roberts (nee Barnes) grandaughter of Gillie Hudson, Bruce
Rosborough, Margaret Tail (nee Evans),
Violet Tsakissiris (nee Kostoglou), Lynette Wood (nee Williams), George Zahra.
attendees were also present when the last largest attendance was recorded in 1993
Alan and Mary Adsett (nee Niethe), Charles and Adele
Ashworth (nee Whittington), Don and Millie Cummings (nee Kindervater), Jim and Jean Punch (nee King), Les and Kath Rowe (nee Caven), Daphne Anderson (nee Goodman), Jacqueline
Beattie (Macartney), Mary Borg (nee Bugeja),
Fay Donnelly (nee Punchard), John Duff,
Heather Edwards (nee McPherson), Esther Elkins, (nee Hoskins), Tom Foley, Doreen Hardy (nee Mitchell), Estelle Johns (nee Cargill) , Roslyn King Koi (nee Lee Long), Ann
Kirk (nee McMillan), Shirley Maher (nee Beutel),
John Merchetta, Olga Mihaljevich (nee Darveniza), Hazel Nicol (nee Wieland), Dermott O’Brien, Gordon O‘Neill, Glenda Page (nee Williams), Edna Ryan (nee Brown), Violet Franklin (nee Franklin), Felice Stephens (nee Ugarte), Mary Teufel
(nee Dodds), Wilma Trenow (nee Sadlier),
Norm Whiteing.
hundred and fifteen other attendees were:
From Alstonville in NSW, Tony and Rosemary Simeon.
From Bundaberg, Keith Shang has been attending since 1994
Innisfail visitors, Michael and Dorothy Conlon (nee
Breen) , Des and Grace Kelly (nee Park), Andy Shang, Errol and Fay Wing (nee Crawford),
From Rockhampton: Florence
Bertram (nee Metcalfe) has been attending since 1979,
From Townsville, Raika Dennis (nee Darveniza) has been attending since 1994
From Yungaburra: Ailsa Tinning (nee Shang)
Les and Jan Anderson (nee Kirk), Ron and Val Andrew
(nee Cardier), Neville Andy, Celest
Benedetto, Caryl Black (nee Horsford),
Maria Bogut, Stewart and Lorraine Boyd (nee Ryan), Doug Bradley, Brian Cahill,
Maria Cardwell (nee Cali), Garth Clarke,
Silvano (Kite) Coianiz, Don Collins,
Pat and Claire Conlon (nee Doherty), Sam Conomo, Paul and Lynette Danesi, Mary Dillon (Graham) daughter of
Cyril Graham, Jenny Duff, Donald Duff,
June Farmer (nee Devine), Grace Farry (nee Pennisi), Myra Fogarty (nee Carr), Monica Gardner (nee Cassidy), Cecilia Gillespie (nee Gardner), Elizabeth
Gonzo (nee Drennan), Ross Goodman, Shirley
Hallinan (Haydock), Des Hastie, Terry
Hastie, June Hull (nee Prats), Horrie Kirk, Paul Kneubuhler, Jim and Judy Lally, Joan Larsen (nee Graham), Warwick Lee, Frank Lee,
Bill Lee Long (Junior), Tom and Maureen James (nee James), Kev Lloyd, Ian Macleod,
Denis McQuillan, Trevor McDonald,
Sophie Medway (nee Zorbas), Dr. Sam Mellick, Bill Melton, Madeline Morgan (nee Brunello), Gary Moro, Jack Mowen,
Vilma Neuendorff (nee Gagno), Bernadette Nolan, Ken and Irene O’Doherty (nee Mitchell), Robert (Bob)
O’Neill, Olga Owen (nee Valmardre),
Susan Pandeli (nee Walters), Lance Passmore, Jim and Claire Petersen (nee Steine), Kathy Pierro (nee Zorbas), Vlad Polich, Phillip Prevete, Frances Pulbrook (nee Lee), Toni Pyers (nee Molinari), John and Alma Raaijmaker (nee Burgdorf), Mary
Radlof (nee Zahra), Abe and Loraine Raumer (nee Tyson), Marie Rosborough (nee Nolan), Ted Ryan, Robert Scullen, Eddie Shaw,
Bill and Mary Shine (nee Talty), George and Jeanette Sideris (nee Austin), Mick and Margaret Sideris (nee Lazarus), Alf
Sorbello, Peter and Cheryl Souvlis, Michael
Stefanos, Reg Sullivan, Patricia Talib (nee Rosborough), Margaret Thompson (nee Keily), Laurice Thompson (nee Williams), Tom Treston, Joy Type (nee Larsen), Bruno and Jean Valmadre (nee Stuart), Coral
Walters (nee Murphy), Bill Wardle, Norma
Wilshire (nee Gagno) Darryl Wing, Diane
Young (nee Preston).
obituary list of thirty-nine attached to literature that was handed out to the attendees on arrival. Special mention was made of the deaths of three long time members, our Patron Morgan Wright, Jack Loth
and Kath McConaghie (nee Mowen). Kath was at the Inaugural meeting on the 21st October 1977. In thirty-one years/one hundred and fifteen gatherings, Kath only missed attending eleven times. Three of those times were this year when she was living in a Nursing Home and was unable to attend. A true indication how much Kath enjoyed these days even though she left Innisfail
early in 1943.
apology was also made to Michael Stefanos who had been announced at our last
meeting as deceased. Michael’s presence with us today assured us that he
is alive and well and looking forward to the next reunion.
of Innisfail were triggered by the continual photographs of Innisfail i.e. 1918 Cyclone, the first train driving over the
Daradgee Bridge
in 1925, and past Sugar Queens images etc being flashed up on the wall, as a back drop during the duration of the gathering.
next reunion will be held on Friday 13 March 2009 at the Queensland Railway Institute Conference Room at 305 Edward Street, Brisbane.
from out of town are always most welcome and the numbers to contact if wishing to attend is:
Lorraine Boyd
on 07 33662543 or Vice President Doug Bradley on 07 33582415 or Assistant Secretary
Robert Scullen on 07 33455068.
Brisbane Reunion Group are currently investigating the possibility of bringing a number of people from the south back to Innisfail
mid year by way of bus/train for five days. Queensland’s
one hundred and fifty year celebrations might be a nice time to return. For some
it would be their first visit in many years for a variety of reasons. Billets
may be required for some. More information on this possibility, at a later
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Walter & Joan Anderson (nee Harold) Innisfail visitors & Michael Stefanos

Eddie Shaw, Ted Ryan, Barbara Bickhoss (nee Bailey) Rockhampton visitor

Frances Pulbrook (nee Lee) & Frank Lee

Roslyn Kin Koi (nee Lee Long) & Glenda Page

Eddie Shaw, John Merchetta & Vince Flynn

Chris Ashworth, Margaret Tait (nee Evans) & Adele Ashworth (nee Whittington)

Alan Preston & Diane Young (nee Preston)

Des & Grace Kelly (nee Park) Innisfail visitors & Mary Teufel (nee Dodds)

Michael Conlon Innisfail visitor & brother Pat Conlon

Claire Conlon (nee Doherty) & sister-in-law Dorothy Conlon (nee Breen) Innisfail visitor

Mary Borg (nee Bugeja) & Felice Stephens (nee Ugarte)

Barbara Buckhoss (nee Bailey). Dermott (Derm) O'Brien & Gary Maro

Ann Kirk (nee McMillan) & Shirley Maher (nee Beutel)
It might have been a long cold winter, but the Reunions of former Innisfailites always seem to
generate warm feelings regardless of the season. Sixty-seven people attended
the Spring meeting of the former Innisfailites Reunion at the Queensland Railway Institute function room at Central Station. It seems that everyone who attends these gatherings thoroughly enjoys them.
President Les Rowe extended a warm welcome to everyone.
Assistant Secretary Robert Scullen read the list of apologies and introduced the first timers.
Apologies: 46
Ron and Val Andrew (nee Cardier), Paul Ballini, Trevor Beutel, Maria Cardwell (nee Cali), Edna
Cummings (nee Davis), Edgar Edgerton, Heather Edwards (nee McPherson), Hazel Francis (nee Mellick), Dawn Gonzo, Eric and Avis
Hall (nee Rail), Bernard and Patricia Lee Long (nee Murdock), Bill and Felice Lee Long, Ronda Lofting (nee Hawkins), Shirley
Maher (nee Beutel), Sara Masterson (nee Putt), Kath McConaghie (nee Mowen), Dr Sam Mellick, John Merchetta, Gary Moro, Jack
Mowen, Dermott O’Brien, Ken and Irene O’Doherty (nee Mitchell), Jim Pandelakis, Susan Pandeli (nee Walters), June
Parsons (nee Putt), Mary Pervan (nee Pellegrin), Jim and Claire Petersen (nee Steine), Amelia Piovesan (nee Garozzo), Mary
Radlof (nee Zahra), Loraine Raumer (nee Tyson), Kath Rowe (nee Caven), Edna Ryan (nee Brown), Ted Ryan, Valerie Shaw, Doug
and Beverley Thomas (nee Sinton), Margaret Thompson (nee Keily), Kath Rowe (nee Caven), (nee Williams), Joy Type (nee Larsen),
Morgan Wright
- First timers were:
Darryl and Janice Millard (nee Scullen) from Malanda, Fern Morley-Jones (nee Lee Long) from Cairns, Phillip Prevete, Bruon and Jean Valmadre (nee Stuart) recently
arrived in Brisbane, June Sue Yek (nee Lee) from Innisfail,
– Re-visiting: Alison Lendon from Innisfail and Lesley Perry (nee Spooner)
from WA.
Fifty- eight other attendees
Alan and Mary Adsett (nee Niethe), Daphne Anderson (nee Goodman), Charles and Adele Ashworth (nee
Whittington), Jacqueline Beattie (nee McCartney), Celest Benedetto, Caryl Black (nee Horsford), Mary Borg (nee Bugeja), Lorraine Boyd (nee Ryan), Doug Bradley, Garth and Gloria
Clarke, Silvano (Kite) Coianiz, Pat and Claire Conlon (nee Doherty), Don and Millie Cummings (nee Kindervater), Gordon Cummings,
Paul and Lynette Danesi, Fay Donnelly (nee Punchard), John Duff, Esther Elkins (nee Hoskins), June Farmer (nee Devine), Tom
Foley, Monica Gardner (nee Cassidy), Elizabeth Gonzo (nee Drennan), Ross Godman,
Shirley Grimley (nee Caldwell),Shirley Hallinan (Haydock), Doreen Hardy (nee
Mitchell), Roslyn King Koi (nee Lee Long), Horrie and Ann Kirk (nee McMillan), Frank Lee, Bill Lee Long (junior), Bill Melton, Olga Mihaljevich (nee Darveniza), Olga Owen (nee Valmadre), Lance
Passmore, Vladimir (Vlad) Polich, Toni Pyers (nee Molinari), Abe Raumer, Les
Rowe, Win Ryan (nee Crimean), Robert Scullen, Eddie Shaw, Bill and Mary Shine
(nee Talty), George and Jeanette Sideris (nee Austin), Felice Stephens (nee Ugarte), Mary Teufel (nee Dodds), Laurice Thompson
(nee Williams), Bill Wardle, Norm Whiteing, Norma Wilshire (nee Gagno)
obituary list of fifty-one was attached to literature that was handed out to the attendees on arrival. Three on that list were regular attendees - A short silence was observed in their memory.
was extended to Don Cummings who had been cajoled into writing an account of the Etty Bay Surf Life Saving Club triumph
in winning the prestigious Blue Ribbon R & R (Rescue and Resuscitation) Event at the Queensland Surf Life Saving Championships
on the 6th March, 1949. Don was a member of that successful squad
and one of only 3 surviving members of that squad. A copy of Don’s account
which includes photographs of members of the squad was handed out to each attendee.
A copy of his account will be passed on to the current administration of the Etty Bay Surf Life Saving Club and also
Queensland State Centre. The account will also be included in the compilation
of anecdotes and interesting stories and events that are being collected and recorded in the records of the group.
Sadly we were informed that our Patron,
Morgan Wright, had a mishap after attending the RNA Exhibition and was unable to attend the Reunion. We wish Morgan a speedy recovery and look forward to him joining us again in December.
Members were reminded that there will be a change of location for the December (Xmas) Reunion on Friday 12 December 2008. The Xmas Reunion will
be held at the Masonic Centre, 311 Ann Street, Brisbane
and those present were asked to pass on that information to others. It is very
important to give notification of attendance for this reunion for catering purposes as usually larger numbers attend this
Visitors from out of town are always most welcome and the numbers to contact if wishing to attend
Secretary. Lorraine Boyd on 07
33662543 or Vice President Doug Bradley on 07 33582415.
September 2008 Pics
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13 JUNE 2008
It may have been Friday 13th, but that didn’t mean there was anything black or unlucky about
the day for the 52 people who attended the mid-year meeting of the former Innisfailites Reunion at the Queensland Railway
Institute function room at Central Station. Indeed, many spoke of how lucky they
felt to have been born in, raised or had an association with Innisfail and district.
President Les Rowe extended a warm welcome to everyone.
Assistant Secretary Robert Scullen read the list of apologies and introduced the first timers.
Forty-five apologies were received from:
Alan and Mary Adsett (nee Niethe), Jacqueline Beattie (nee Macartney), Trevor Beutel, Brian Cahill, Garth and
Gloria Clarke, Pat and Claire Conlon (nee Doherty), Edna Cummings (nee Davis), Edgar Edgerton, Heather Edwards (nee McPherson),
Myra Fogarty (nee Carr), Dawn Gonzo, Ross Goodman, Laurence and Joy Hood, Dawn Jones (nee Yates), Horrie and Ann Kirk (nee
McMillan), Joan Larsen (nee Graham), Shirley Maher (nee Beutel), Sara Masterson (nee Putt), Kath McConaghie (nee Mowen), Margaret
Mellick (nee Scott), Olga Mihaljevich (Darveniza), Ken and Irene O’Doherty (nee Mitchell), Gordon O’Neill, Robert
(Bob) O’Neill, Olga Owen (nee Valmardre), Susan Pandeli (nee Walters), June Parsons (nee Putt), Jim and Clair Petersen
(nee Steine), Toni Pyers (nee Molinari), Mary Radlof (nee Zahra), Loraine Raumer (nee Tyson), Edna Ryan (nee Brown), Ted Ryan,
George and Jeanette Sideris (nee Austin), Laurice Thompson (nee Williams), George Tsakissiris, Joy Type (nee Larsen)
Several regular attendees were not present as they were visiting Innisfail for the centenary celebrations of
the Mourilyan
State School, but numbers were
still up on the corresponding meeting last year.
First timers were:
Sam and Nan Sapuppo (Cristaudo) visiting from Innisfail. They were also celebrating their 53rd wedding anniversary. Our congratulations and good wishes were extended to them. A special acknowledgement was also given to Win Ryan (nee Crimean), Doug and Beverley Thomas (Sinton) (Crimean),
who hadn’t been able to attend for quite sometime. Being a quieter day
they were able to easily move around and catch up with familiar faces from days gone by.
Forty-seven other attendees were:
Daphne Anderson (nee Goodman), Ron and Val Andrew (nee Cardier), Bevan Ashworth, Charles and Adele Ashworth
(nee Whittington), Celest Benedetto, Mary Borg (nee Bugeja), Lorraine Boyd (nee Ryan), Doug Bradley, Silvano (Kite) Coianiz,
Don and Millie Cummings (nee Kindervater), Gordon Cummings, Paul and Lynette Danesi, Fay Donnelly (nee Punchard), John Duff,
Esther Elkins (nee Hoskins), June Farmer (nee Devine), Tom Foley, Hazel Francis (nee Mellick), Monica Gardner (nee Cassidy),
Elizabeth Gonzo (nee Drennan), Eric and Avis Hall (nee Rail), Doreen Hardy (nee Mitchell), Frank Lee, Ian Macleod, Dr. Sam
Mellick, Gary Moro, Jack Mowen, Dermott O’Brien, Lance Passmore, Abe Raumer, Les and Kath Rowe (nee Caven), Robert Scullen, Eddie and Valerie Shaw, Bill and Mary Shine
(nee Talty), and Felice Stephens (nee Ugarte), Mary Teufel (nee Dodds), Bill Wardle, Norm Whiteing, Morgan Wright.
An obituary list of forty-two was attached to literature that was handed out to the attendees on arrival. A short silence was observed in their memory.
On behalf of the Innisfail Reunion Group, a letter had been sent in support of an application for a grant towards
literature explaining the stories behind the artwork in the River Reflections Sculptures, which is situated in the coping
wall of Fitzgerald Esplanade. Members were invited to make personal donations
towards the project, which would be forwarded on their behalf to those involved.
Members who have been attending Innisfail Reunions over the last few decades were invited to record their stories
about their lives and anecdotes they thought might be interesting. These stories
could then be recorded in a book. Members were also encouraged to obtain a recent
photograph and one in late teenage or early 20s for display on name badges. Some
members have already done this. It is interesting to see what we looked like
when we all though we were pretty cool!
Included in the information handed out to attendees was a brief newsletter containing snippets of information
- Special events since the last meeting. Ron and Val Andrew (nee Cardier) 50th Wedding anniversary. Birthdays of Avis Hall (Rail), Jack Mowen and
coming up Charles Ashworth’s.
- With the hype of the forth coming Olympics, a question was
asked whether anyone knew of any Ex Olympians from Innisfail (other than Robert Carney in boxing, at the Mexico Games) over
the last 100yrs. An inquiry had been lodged with the Olympic committee but they unable to disclose any information on ex Olympians
owing to their strict privacy policies.
- The profile of two members, Cath Erbacher (deceased) and Kath
McConaghie. These profiles were written and supplied by their families.
A copy of the centenary newsletter and program for the Mourilyan
State School celebrations was
also handed out.
Members were reminded that the December (Christmas) Reunion will be held at the Masonic Centre, 311 Ann Street,
Brisbane and those present were asked to pass on that information to others.
The next reunion will take place on 12 September 2008 at the QRI Function Room, 305 Edward Street, at 10am.
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14th March 2008 - Committee members were
thrown into a minor panic when a larger number of people than usual for a March reunion queued at the entrance of the
Queensland Railway Institute function room at Central Station for the quarterly get together of the Innisfail Reunion Group.
Secretary Lorraine Boyd (Ryan) must have suspected something like this was going to happen as she had unselfishly
flown to Cairns for the day for a special reunion, organized by family and friends, to celebrate her 60th birthday over
Meanwhile back in Brisbane, the flustered Committee’s questions "Where are we going to
seat this multitude and how are we going to feed them" were answered with a miracle of not-quite-Biblical proportions by the
unflappable and ever obliging staff of the QRI who accommodated the eighty-four people who attended. They must have done a
great job of it as several comments were received about what a happy occasion this March reunion turned out to be in spite
of the seating and catering difficulties that arose because of the larger-than-expected number of people who attended.
President Les Rowe extended a warm welcome to everyone.
In Lorraine’s absence, Assistant Secretary Robert Scullen read the list of apologies and introduced
the first timers.
Apologies were received from:
Stewart and Lorraine Boyd (nee Ryan), Silvano (Kite) Coianiz, Edna Cummings (nee Davis), Fay
Donnelly (nee Punchard), Heather Edwards (nee McPherson), Tom Foley, Shirley Grimley (nee Caldwell), Doreen Hardy (nee Mitchell),
Joan Larsen (nee Graham), Shirley Maher (nee Beutel), Sara Masterson (nee Putt), Kath McConachie (nee Mowen), John Merchetta,
Anne Moretto (nee Arnell), Jim Pandelakis, Phil and Dot Passmore (nee Clifford), Bert and Lena Pervan, Jim and Claire Petersen
(nee Steine), Lorraine Raumer (nee Tyson), Ted Ryan, Mick and Margaret Sideris (nee Lazarus), Les and Pearl Spry, Mary Teufel
(nee Dodds), Doug and Beverley Thomas (Sinton), Joy Type (nee Larsen).
First timers were:
Ron and Val Andrew (nee Cardier) from Laidley, Marcia Anthonysz (nee Tolcher) from Brisbane, Don Carter from
Caboolture, Shirley Sheehan (nee Riches) from Boondall, Paul Ballini from Emerald, Gary Beck from Canberra, Margaret Meilland
(nee Gigg) from Mt. Morgan, Betty Walker (nee Wardle) from Tolga.
Other attendees were:
Alan and Mary Adsett, Daphne Anderson (nee Goodman), Charles and Adele Ashworth (nee Whittington), Jacqueline
Beattie (Macartney), Celest Benedetto, Diane Bergman (nee Pantovic), Mary Borg (nee Bugeja), Doug Bradley, Maria Cardwell
(nee Cali), Pat and Claire Conlon (nee Doherty), Sam Conomo, Jessica Cornish (nee Patterson), Gwyn Cosgrove (nee Mahoney),
Don and Millie Cummings (nee Kindervater), Gordon Cummings, Paul and Lynette Danesi, David and Lena Dodds (nee Whiteing),
John Duff, June Farmer (nee Devine), Myra Fogarty (nee Carr), Hazel Francis (nee Mellick), Monica Gardner (nee Cassidy),
Elizabeth Gonzo (nee Drennan), Ross Goodman, Eric and Avis Hall (nee Rail), Mike and Gail Hogan (nee Bradley), Laurence and
Joy Hood, Shirley Johnson (nee Welford), Horrie and Ann Kirk (nee McMillan), Frank Lee, Fay Lennox (nee Gigg), Kev Lloyd,
Nina Magno, Trevor Mc Donald, Margaret Mellick (nee Scott), Olga Mihaljevich (nee Darveniza), Gary Moro, Enid Morrison (nee
Gunder), Jack Mowen, Dermott O’Brien, Ken and Irene O’Doherty (nee Mitchell), Robert (Bob) O’Neill, Gordon
O’Neill,Olga Owen (nee Valmardre), Susan Pandeli (nee Walters), Lance Passmore,Vlad Polich, Toni Pyers (nee Molinari),
Mary Radlof (nee Zahra), Abe Raumer, Les and Kath Rowe (nee Caven), Edna Ryan (nee Brown), Robert Scullen, Bill and Mary Shine
(nee Talty), George and Jeanette Sideris (nee Austin), Felice Stephens (nee Ugarte), Laurice Thompson (nee Williams), Pam
Ufer (nee Stevens), Bill Wardle, Norm Whiteing, Morgan Wright.
An obituary list was attached to literature that was handed out to the attendees on arrival.
Sadly, it was a rather long list on this occasion and a short silence was observed in their memory.
Hazel Francis (nee Mellick) gave an eloquent explanation of the River Reflections Sculpture situated in the coping wall of Fitzgerald Esplanade, Innisfail. While these public art sculptures
were completed with the opening in 1999, Hazel emphasized the importance of Part B of the Project which is the publication
of the 100 plus stories and tales behind the art work. These stories and tales have been collected with the permission of
the contributors and are being prepared for publication. Hazel gave an explanation and some detail of the River Reflections
panels and pointed out how the members of the Innisfail Reunion Group could contribute to the publication. Hazel invited members
to be part of it and suggested that members let the secretary know if they would like to take the opportunity to be involved.
The Innisfail Reunion Committee will consider making a donation towards this cause.
As David Dodds was present at the reunion, President Les Rowe, on behalf of all members of the
Group, acknowledged David for his having been honoured as a recipient of the Order of Australia – Medal, and Citizen
of the Year Award.
Included in the information handed out to attendees was a brief newsletter containing snippets
of information that appeared in the Innisfail Advocate between January and June 1968.
Information was also conveyed about Peter Kellett’s website where an electronic version of this newsletter can be accessed as well as heaps of other news, events,
videos, etc and other information that former and current residents of Innisfail are sure to find interesting.
It must have been a great reunion for some who had not seen each other for decades and had so
much to communicate. Long after all had departed the premises and the doors to the venue had been closed, Gary Beck, Abe Raumer,
Margaret Meilland (Gigg), Margaret Mellick (Scott) and Doug Bradley were still to be seen conversing on the footpath outside
the venue.
The next reunion will take place on 13 June 2008 at the QRI Function Room, 305 Edward Street,
at 10am.




December 2007 - New coordinator, Lorraine
Boyd (nee Ryan) with lots of relations still in Innisfail, puts together the newsletter from
the group and readers will now be able to follow the antics of ex-Innisfailites, down south.
The group who meet in Brisbane have been doing so for 30 years, meeting quarterly while the committee have
stayed in their position for a considerable time.
It is just a social gathering and not-for-ptofit organisation. Ex-Innisfail people knew when they met and,
if interested, came along. Some would ring for catering purposes while others turned up on the day. It has worked successfully
for all these years. Hazel Francis (Mellick) was the president for many years.
Recent retirees from the 2007 committee include:
Daphne Anderson - Secretary
Silvano Coianiz - Senior Vice President
Mary Teuffel - Assistant Secretary and
Fay Donnelly - Assistant Treasurer
who all provided many years of generous service.
7th January 2008 - Kath McConachie relocated from her home at Holland Park of 55
years to Tall Trees Retirement Home Rochedale
15th January 2008 - Eric & Avis Hall celebrated their 60th Wedding
March 2008 - Reunion 9.30am QRI Function Room 305 Edward Street Brisbane
13th June 2008 - Reunion 9.30am QRI Function Room 305 Edward Street
12th September 2008 - Reunion 9.30am QRI Function Room 305 Edward
Street Brisbane
12th December 2008 - Reunion 9.30am QRI Function Room 305 Edward
Street Brisbane

L-R: Peter Thorburn, Pat Inskip. Reg Taudavin, Qwen Inskip (Williams), Mary Radolf (Zahra), Joan Taudavin

L-R: Eddie and Valerie Shaw, Abe and Lorraine Raumer (Tyson), Charles and Adele Ashworth (Whittington), Myra
Fogarty (Carr), Celcilia Gillispie (Gardner)

Mourilyan Girls: L-R: Mary Radolf (Zahra), Joan Taudavin (Inskip), Elsie Thorburn (Fanias), Elizabeth (Betty)
Gonzo (Drennan)

L-R: Laurie O'Shea, Pat and Clarie Conlon (Doherty), Laurice Thompson (Williams), Carmel O'Shea

L-R: Donald Duff, Ross Goodman, Sam Conomo, George Amigdalos, Colin Jeffs