Cassowary Coast News

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Advertisers - $50 Registration and $30 per month.
Registration includes listing of ALL Goods and Services in CCN Directory where customers can target you and see your entire range on YOUR growing webpage, while front-page announcements will lead them to your specials and products. PayPal can also be arranged for direct purchases from website. Download Goods & Services Directory to complete inventory details and set up a Catalogue
Not-for-Profit organisations - $100 per year ($2 per week)
Own growing webpage with all the announcements you like - monthly reports, membership notices and any piece of information that might interest CCN readers
All advertisers simply need to send copy and pics (.jpg's) to Cassowary Coast News and it will be uploaded to your page with appropriate front-page Editorial coverage. Your chance to have a local and international web-presence.
Artists - Free Directory space. Download Consent and Registration Form and send to 26 Bingil Bay Road, Bingil Bay Qld 4852. List all your talents with pics of your various artistic interests. PayPal available for on-line purchases. Edit Text

Artists Directory Form download Edit Site Add-On

Copy, pics or advertisements to be supplied by advertisers.
Formats include:
Pics - .gif, .jpg, .jpeg, .zip.
Movies - .mov, .avi, .mpeg, .mpg
Narration, sounds - .mp3, .wav, .mid, .midi, .au, .ra, .rm.
Cheques to be made to Cassowary Coast News.
26 Bingil Bay Road, Bingil Bay Qld 4852

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Advertising accepted for publication in Cassowary Coast News publications is subjected to the conditions set out in their rate cards and the rules applicable to advertising laid down from time to time by the Media Council of Australia. Every advertisement is subject to the Publisher's approval and the Publisher may, at its discretion, refuse to accept any advertisement for publication if it believes the advertisement may infringe the right of any person or may not comply with all laws and regulations of the States and Territories. The Publisher accepts no responsibility or liability in relation to any loss due to the failure of an advertisement to appear according to instructions, the positioning or placing of an advertisement within the accepted classification is at the discretion of Cassowary Coast News except where specially instructed and agreed upon by the Publisher. Rates are based on the understanding that the monetary level ordered is used within the period of the order. Maximum period of any order is one year. Should an advertiser fail to use the total monetary level ordered the rate will be amended to coincide with the amount of space used. The word "advertisement" will be used on copy which in the opinion of the Publisher, resembles editorial matter. The above terms are subject to change, without notification, at the discretion of the Publisher.

Cassowary Coast News * 26 Bingil Bay Road, Bingil Bay Qld 4852 * (07) 4088 6430 * * ABN 74 192 722 377